The importance of education in the progress and advancement of a country cannot be over-emphasised. School-level education becomes even more important as it provides the base upon which the building blocks of a vibrant and developing society are laid. UNAP has started the Sustainable Literacy Project (SLP) which aims to lift the standards of education in Primary and Secondary Schools of Pakistan. Under SLP, UNAP is providing high-quality training to the teachers absolutely free of cost. These trainings on diversified subjects are designed to enhance the skills and efficacy of school teachers of all levels.

3rd Teachers Training Workshop


The third Teachers Training Workshop was organized by UNAP at Anwar-ul- Uloom Elementary School, Korangi on January 20, 2018.

2nd Teachers Training Workshop


The Second teachers training workshop on the topic of ‘Effective Communication’ on 13th January 2018.

1st Teachers Training Workshop


Teachers Training Workshop was organised by UNAP at Al Shams Academy Mehmoodabad.